Daur Baur Experience

"Transforming Domestic Post-Consumer into Creative Expressions“

We've embarked on a new journey, merging our ideals and dedication to create innovative solutions through design. By expressing ourselves responsibly, we aim to tackle the growing problem of domestic post-consumer waste."

Through creativity, music, and collaboration, DBX becomes a platform for exciting activities that can be enjoyed by all

segments. Whether you're a business owner, an art enthusiast, a music lover, or even a visitor who wants to learn more about sustainability, DBX is the center of all these activities. DBX Room will be located in several of our Kopi Nako Daur Baur outlets. Currently, the one that is already active is in Kopi Nako Daur Baur Bogor

Circular Day

Circular Day is an event that supports our commitment to the Daur Baur Movement.

See Events

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